


How Do I Increase My Mortgage Affordability

How Do I Increase My Mortgage Affordability

How Do I Increase My Mortgage Amount? Are you looking to buy your first home but struggling with your mortgage affordability? There are steps you can take to enhance your affordability and secure a higher mortgage loan.   If you’re...

5% mortgage in the UK

Who is eligible for a 5% mortgage in the UK?

Unsure whether you’ll be accepted by lenders for a five per cent mortgage in the UK? Regardless of whether you have concerns about the size of your deposit and affordability or you’re simply doing research as a first-time buyer, the...

Self build mortgage

What is a self-build mortgage and can first-time buyers get one?

Interested in obtaining a self-build mortgage as a first-time buyer? If you have the vision and passion to build your own home but are concerned about how you’ll fund this massive construction project as a first-time buyer, we can help....

New Build Homes and Mortgages in the UK

New Build Homes and Mortgages in the UK: Why They’re the Ideal Choice for Homebuyers

Are you on the hunt for your dream home in the UK? Among the myriad options available, new build homes stand out for their unique advantages tailored to meet the needs of many prospective buyers across the UK. In this...

First time buyer mortgage and how does it work

What is a first-time buyer mortgage and how does it work?

Feeling confused by mortgage offers aimed specifically at first-time buyers? Promises of low deposits and attractive interest rates on certain mortgage products can seem tempting for your pocket, but how do you know that you’re actually getting a good deal?...

First time buyer benefits

What are the benefits of being a first-time buyer?

Eager to become a homeowner, but unsure whether now is the right time to put in an offer on that perfect property? At UKMC, we understand that being a first-time buyer can be a daunting prospect, especially when you’re faced...

First time buyer mortgage application process

How long does a first-time buyer mortgage application take to be approved?

Fallen in love with your ideal first home, but concerned about how long it’ll take for your mortgage application to be approved?Below, the experienced mortgage advisors at UKMC explain how long mortgage application approval typically takes, which factors can affect...

First time buyer mortgage scheme

Government schemes for first-time buyers

Searching for the most beneficial first-time buyer mortgage scheme to help shorten your route to home ownership? With the increased cost of living, raised rents, and skyrocketing property prices in the UK, it’s no wonder that first-time buyers are turning...

Can a first time buyer get an interest only mortgage

Can a first-time buyer get an interest-only mortgage?

Keen to obtain a first-time buyer interest-only mortgage? Before you start reaching out to lenders with attractive interest-only mortgage deals, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of opting for this type of mortgage as a first-time buyer. Fortunately,...