Get Insured

Insurance provides financial security. We’re here to help keep it cost-effective whilst making sure you and your loved ones are fully protected.

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Why Do I Need Insurance?

Taking out insurance is essential for safeguarding your financial stability, protect your family and your wellbeing.

Insurance is your financial safety net! You pay a monthly premium to the insurance provider for the duration of your policy, then if you pass away during the policy, your beneficiaries may receive a payout, depending on how the policy is set up. They can use that for whatever purpose is needed! most commonly they would pay off any outstanding mortgage balances.

There will always be a need to have an insurance policy in place. Insurance is your shield against any unforeseen circumstances such as death, a critical illness or accidents. Your insurance policies will protect your family, your home and yourself.

Why UKMC For My Insurance

We specialise in making the insurance process simple and straightforward. We understand that Insurance plays a huge part in providing sustainability to most homeowners across the UK. So we’re here to keep it simple, cost-effective and relevant to you and your loved ones. Our friendly team of protection experts will help you navigate through the best solutions for you
We search the whole of market, looking and comparing 100s of insurance deals. We’ll review your eligibility across hundreds of providers and make sure to find the most suitable deal for you!
You’ll be assigned a dedicated protection adviser and case manager from your first call with UKMC, providing you with a single point of contact throughout your insurance journey, ensuring you won’t be passed around to different team members for each query.
With our easy access portal you’ll be able to seamlessly, track your process, view documents and talk to your advisor all in one place.
Life happens, and let’s face it, when you work a 9-5 job, it’s often impossible to make appointments during standard business hours. That’s why we offer late-night appointments 5 days a week. We are committed to accommodating your schedule, ensuring you receive the support you need at a time that works best for you.
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Let’s get you insured

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insurance options

Get Insured - Life Insurance
Life Insurance

Put simply, it’s a policy that upon death, is designed to pay a lump sum or, regular income to the beneficiaries or estate. It can be the cheapest form of insurance available and there are usually two ways in which it can be set up. You may have been familiar with the most common use for Life Insurance - which is to cover any existing outstanding mortgage balance that you have. 

Get Insured - Income Protection
Income Protection

An Income Protection policy protects your pay packet. If you’re ever off work due to illness
or injury for a prolonged period, this policy is designed to replace your income until you have
returned to work, moved to new employment or until the payment period comes to an end.

Get Insured - Critial Illness Cover
Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Cover is usually linked to Life Insurance as a combined policy and provides
you with a pay-out if you are diagnosed with a pre-defined critical illness, which is usually things such as Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke & Multiple Sclerosis. This means you’ll be able to make sure you have additional funds available to maintain your lifestyle. There are several protection providers in the market that all have a different set of definitions so it’s crucially
important to understand what each provider is able to cover.

Get Insured - Buildings and Contents
Buildings and Contents Cover

When you’re a homeowner it’s important to protect your investment. Buildings insurance covers the physical structure of the property including the walls, roof and floors. Contents insurance covers items inside the property, like furniture and freestanding appliances.

Get Insured - Family Income Benefit
Family Income Benefit

Family income benefit is designed to pay a regular income if you die. An alternative to level term insurance, family income benefit aims to replace lost income if the person insured dies and is usually there to support families with children. If you’re the main income generator for the family and sadly pass away, it means your partner can continue to provide for the family without having to take on an additional workload.

Get Insured - Private Medical Cover
Private Medical Cover

This is an insurance policy that covers the costs of private healthcare, from diagnosis to
treatment. You will pay a monthly subscription that covers all or some of the cost of treatment for acute conditions that develop after your health insurance policy has begun. Typically, you will have access to a specific medical group, your treatment pathways can be recommended and depending on how comprehensive your policy is - it can provide you with out-patient treatment and give you access to a network of private hospitals.

Mortgage options and help

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Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

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Frequently asked questions

An Insurance Policy that is based on a health assessment may not cover you for a pre-existing medical condition. We always recommend that you check your policy documents before signing on the dotted line to ensure you are fully aware of the cover your policy provides.
Yes, it’s possible to obtain life insurance coverage if you vape or smoke, although it may affect your premiums. Smoking and vaping are considered high-risk behaviours by insurers, as they increase the likelihood of developing serious health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. As a result, smokers and vapers typically pay higher premiums compared to non-smokers to reflect the elevated risk.
As a guide, we’d usually say between 5%-10% over your overall mortgage payment is a good starting point. We’ve typically seen this allow customers to cover their three main pillars: Life Insurance Critical Illness Cover Income Protection Giving you peace of mind that should anything happen to you, your family can continue their way of life in the home you’ve worked hard for.

It’s easy to say everyone, so we’ll just focus on homeowners. If you own a home, it’s likely
you own the home with a partner. Life Insurance provides your partner with financial support
after you pass away which means they’ll be able to keep the roof over their head. The amount
of life insurance you need depends on your individual circumstances. Consider factors such as your income, debts, and living expenses, as well as the needs of your dependents.

This insurance policy covers you for your entire life. The insurer invests your premiums until
a claim is made. The insurer may increase the premium if the fund performs poorly due to market conditions. However, the pay-out remains unchanged.

There are many types of insurances out there however the most common types include:

-Life Insurance
-Level Term Assurance
-Critical Illness Cover
-Building and Contents Cover
-Family Income Benefit
-Income Protection
-Whole Life

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Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

Title here

Vivamus ultrices vehicula consequat. Curabitur et hendrerit diam, in faucibus nulla. Vestibulum a porta ex. Vivamus nec convallis tellus. Nullam vulputate ipsum nec sem ultrices, sit amet sodales mi egestas. Duis facilisis accumsan metus, et vehicula neque malesuada iaculis. Integer sit amet ex augue. Nam quis vehicula leo. 

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