
going greener

we're carbon

Stress-Free Services with a Global Impact!

Experience a service that’s not only fully stress-free but also 100% Carbon Neutral. While we offset all our CO2 emissions throughout the year to facilitate your journey to homeownership, we strive to do more.

Going beyond carbon offsetting, we’re dedicated to creating a positive impact worldwide. For every client we assist, we plant a tree and engage in exciting projects to assist in building a greener planet.

Our staff undergo comprehensive training to ensure they contribute not only to your mortgage success but also to the sustainability of OUR planet.

At UKMC, we’re committed to being a force for positive change because we understand that the world needs our support.

UK Mortgage Centre Going Greener

Pink Triangle - Mortgage Advisors - UKMC

A Carbon Neutral Certificate is given to companies that have taken to steps to offset at least 100% of their carbon emissions

Green Triangle - Mortgage Advisors - UKMC

Companies have to measure their impact on the planet and actively work to reduce it

Orange Triangle - Mortgage Advisors - UKMC

The Climate Positive Certificate is given to companies that have engaged in reforestation and removing plastic from the ocean


Our Commitment to Sustainability: Planting Trees for a Greener Tomorrow

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond being carbon neutral. In addition to offsetting our annual carbon output, we plant a tree for every client we work with.

Each tree has the potential to sequester up to a quarter tonne of CO2 over its lifetime, equivalent to offsetting 1,200 miles driven in a petrol car. This assumes that car is petrol and achieves the UK’s average miles per gallon (MPC) as of 2020.

We’ve now partnered with Ecologi, to not only plant trees but also invest in carbon avoidance projects, reforestation, habitat protection and contribute to beach clean-ups. Witness the impact of our sustainability efforts by clicking ‘See the Impact’ below. Choose UKMC for outstanding service and commitment to a greener future.

Let's make a difference


Trees planted for our customers

See the Impact or Donate


Bottle Icon - Mortgage Advisor Online - UKMC


Over 100 kgs worth of plastic diverted from the ocean

Two Arrows Icon - Mortgage Advisor Online - UKMC


Carbon Offset (CO2e)

Tree Icon - Mortgage Advisor Online - UKMC


Trees Planted For Our Offset

CO2 Icon - Mortgage Advisor Online - UKMC


Carbon Intensity Employees

Low Carbon Living

Here are a few ways you can help reduce your carbon footprint at home all whilst saving you a little bit of money along the way:

lower your carbon output

reducing energy use

reduce and reuse

on the go

our projects

We work with our partner’s, Positive Planet to support tackling climate change around the globe. The Climate Impact Fund provides a way for us to help communities in need – by protecting and preserving the environment for generations to come.

Take a look at some of the projects we help fund:

sierra leone safe water project

berlin geothermal project

asahan 1 hydroelectric power plant 2 x 90 M/W

If you would like to find out more about contributions, then feel free to contact

    *Data Protection - Any information given will be treated as confidential and be accessible only within UKMC